
我們正在積極擴展國際市場,並正在尋找有興趣通過銷售ANiMEAL產品來發展業務的全球分銷合作夥伴。如果您有興趣成為授權的ANiMEAL經銷商,請電郵至info@animeal.co或Whatsapp 91833850 與我們聯繫。

ANiMEAL提供靈活的批發服務,包括倉儲和運輸支持。我們只需要您提供企業註冊證明以及以批發價格購買我們產品,最低金額為港幣$1000。如果您有任何問題,請隨時發送電郵與我們聯繫;我們很樂意介紹我們的暢銷產品,並幫助您決定哪些產品最適合您的目標客群。請電郵至info@animeal.co或Whatsapp 91833850 與我們聯繫。

Partnership with ANiMEAL/

Become an Authorized Distributor
We are actively working to expand our international market and are seeking worldwide distribution partners interested in growing their businesses by selling ANiMEAL's products. If you are interested to become an authorized ANiMEAL distributor, please send us an email at info@animeal.co or Whatsapp 91833850

Hong Kong & Macau Wholesale
ANiMEAL offers flexible wholesale services, including warehousing and shipping support. We only require proof of business registration and a minimum purchase HKD$1000 of our products at wholesale prices. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via email. We would be delighted to introduce our best-selling products and assist you in determining which items are the best fit for your target demographic. Please send us an email at info@animeal.co or Whatsapp 91833850